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QR codes and the CollectionOD

Process of capturing the QR code and relating to an item

  1. Locate the link / website address with the item / artwork. This is the item / artwork that the QR code will open on your website. Normally on the website available to the public.
  2. Website link example: www.theartistsbook.org.za/view.asp?pg=booknesses&pgsub=jgcat&pgsub1=books&pgsub2=0002. See image 1.
  3. Create the code: go to a QR code generator (see link toward the bottom of this page), select the URL option and paste the complete link - see the image 2 example.
  4. The QR code generator will create a code which you must save to your computer (see image 3 and heading Saving QR codes below). See image 3.
  5. In the CollectionOD, find the item / artwork you would like to make a QR code for.
  6. Select the Add a QR code button. See image 4.
  7. Complete the QR code form - see image 5. Note: you click the Browse button to locate the actual QR code image file. Click Add when you have completed the form.
  8. Test the QR code by going to the item / artwork, scrolling down to QR codes associated and testing with your phone. See image 6.

Print QR codes to labels

  • To get your project going Logos Flow will assist in generating labels for your items / artworks that will be printed and displayed with the item / artwork. These printed labels with include the documentation your require and the actual code - plus, any customisation you require such as logo, specific fonts and sizes, etc. See image 7 for some basic examples.
  • Individual QR code labels can also be generated directly via the CollectionOD.
  • The visitor then scans the code and open the website with all the information and image associated with the item / artwork.

Saving QR codes

  • You will be saving a lot of QR codes that will relate to an item / artwork. Rather store these codes in a seperate folder on your computer, or network, that is only used for these files.
  • A QR code is actually an image file that contains the code, normally in a PNG format.
  • Suggestion: save the image code with the unique reference ID as the file name, i.e. 1234.png

    Click the image for a view of: 1) Example of website address
    1) Example of website address
    Click the image for a view of: 2) Capture the code in the QR code generator
    2) Capture the code in the QR code generator
    Click the image for a view of: 3) Example of QR code image. Scan with your phone to test.
    3) Example of QR code image. Scan with your phone to test.
    Click the image for a view of: 4) QR code button when viewing an Item description
    4) QR code button when viewing an Item description
    Click the image for a view of: 5) QR code form in the CollectionOD
    5) QR code form in the CollectionOD
    Click the image for a view of: 6) Testing the QR code - you will notice the actual code on the right
    6) Testing the QR code - you will notice the actual code on the right
    Click the image for a view of: 7) Example of basic QR code labels
    7) Example of basic QR code labels

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